Inside Ice Cream

What goes into my ice cream?

This is where our customers get a chance to ask “What goes into my ice cream?” Email us your question, and we’ll answer it!

“Do you make Snickerdoodle?”asks Kelly (7/7/14)

Our Answer:

We had someone in asking about that the other night. Let me tell you of their (young couple) experience. I told them why I have not made it recently (the company that made the little compressed cinnamon cracker balls, quit making them). Weber’s has been around 83 years and has always made a premium product. I am able to get certain premium ingredient companies to make things for Weber’s on speculation that other companies will buy it. No one bought it, I used up the initial test batch and since there is no more, I don’t call it Snickerdoodle anymore.

I then gave the couple a taste of Spice Cake. The young man loved it and said he would never have tried it if I hadn’t given him a taste. I told him that this flavor might just go the way of Snickerdoodle, however, because the company I had asked to make the (cinnamony, snickerdoodly) cookie dough piece that is included in the ice cream isn’t selling it very many places.

Hope this answers your question, Kelly. Ask us for recommendations, try new things, make suggestions. If we CAN make it, chances are, we will!