Our Original Vogt Machines
Here's the Scoop...Weber’s owns the last pair of Continuous Commercial Ice Cream Machines (first manufactured in 1909) known to exist. The design was changed in 1926 so that air could be pumped into the mix, cheapening the end product.
There is a 75 year gap in the “official” ice cream history (1851 to 1926) plastered all over the web these days. Our Weber’s machines are the original Vogt machines before they pressurized (pumped air in), which is what began the “Modern Age” of ice cream. These machines were designed and built in 1926, but not offered for sale until 1929 (at the American Dairy Exposition in Cleveland) after all the pre-built ones had been sold. Mr. Weber insisted that they make him a pair “from the old molds” to which they replied, “it may take as long as 2 years if no one else orders them” (a “Pour” was 4 sets of barrels and paddles)(these machines parts were cast in sand molds and then machined, rather than being punched out like they are today).
Mr. Weber had Fresh Ice Cream machines made for him in 1931 from the old molds, exact replicas of the ones he worked with at Euclid Beach. The only reason that we can make a product that is delicious, satisfying, has no aftertaste, and made with only natural flavorings and products, is because these machines, which were originally designed for use by dairies, are made without iron. All other machines designed after 1954 use iron, but this metal tends to remove the sweet and creamy flavor of any natural dairy product.